HFI Projects Director received JVS Medallion of Honor from UPNAAI in Houston, Texas. Read more.

Ma. Rebecca M. Galvez Tan, RN, MAN, HFI Projects Director, received the Julita V. Sotejo (JVS) Medallion of Honor from the University of the Philippines Nursing Alumni Association International, Inc. (UPNAAI) during the 37th Annual Educational Conference and Convention last 14 to 15 October 2016, held in Houston, Texas, USA.

The JVS Medallion of Honor is the highest recognition awarded to nursing alumni who embody the values, thinking, and principles espoused by Julita V. Sotejo, the founder and the first dean of University of the Philippines- College of Nursing.

Galvez Tan has been serving underprivileged communities without access to healthcare for more than 38 years, starting as a Community Health Nurse in the far-flung barrios of Alegria and Binohangan in Caibiran Leyte, up to her current work with HFI as a Projects Director.

Aside from championing a community-based nurse living and working with the people using a holistic approach, Galvez Tan also distinguished herself as a pioneer in the practice of traditional Filipino medicine and other forms of complementary health strategies.

Galvez Tan dedicated her award to her family; UPCN Batch ’75; Dean Dolores Recio—who inspired her to dedicate her skills and talent to underprivileged communities; and to the community members from all the far flung villages in the Philippines who taught her how to give selflessly.

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