Health Futures Foundations, Inc. Company Background

The Philippines have witnessed improved health outcomes in the past years. However, urban-rural disparities are still evident and without addressing inequities in accessibility, availability, and affordability of health services, the archipelago of more than 7,000 islands has an uncertain future.

In 1998, the visionary doctor, Dr. Jaime Z. Galvez Tan founded Health Futures Foundation, Inc. (HFI) to advocate and act in the best interest of the poorest to achieve total health and development. Since its inception, HFI have been working towards achieving access, quality, and equity in health and development and acting in the best interest of marginalized and disenfranchised Filipinos.

With its extensive experience in health policy and governance, qualitative health research, community mobilization, indigenous health systems assessment, and disaster health management, HFI has been a partner of many national and international agencies and academic institutions in the various facets of Universal and Primary Health Care.

HFI was incorporated and registered as a non-stock, non-profit, non-government organization with the Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission in 1998. It is registered as a Donee Institution with the Bureau of Internal Revenue. It is accredited by the the Philippine Council for NGO Certification (PCNC) and the Commission on Population and Development. HFI is a member of the Healthy Philippines Alliance and Philippine NGO Council on Population Health and Welfare, Inc. (PNGOC). It is also an accredited Continuing Professional Development Provider of the Professional Regulation Commission.


Our mission is to empower marginalized sectors and lend technical assistance to local governments in achieving access, quality and equity in health and social development through actual and virtual communities of wellness.


We envision a Philippines where marginalized Filipino communities and vulnerable population groups achieve and sustain optimum health and development.

Our Core Values

At HFI, we stand for the following values in our work and in our relationship with partners and communities.

  • Integrity
  • Inclusiveness
  • Empowerment
  • Service to the Marginalized
  • Accountability
  • Wellness

Our Goals

As part of our social responsibility and service to the nation towards the achievement of universal and equal access to health and development, we are guided by the following goals:

  • To develop, implement, monitor and evaluate health development programs and services
  • To mobilize and manage health resources for and in behalf of communities
  • To design, manage, and evaluate all components of health systems development
  • To render technical assistance to stakeholders on health and social development
  • To advocate for health promotion and wellness, curricular reforms in health sciences, peoples participation in health care, and the mainstreaming of the Filipino traditional medicine

Our Programs

  • Community-Based Primary Health Care
  • Health Systems Development
  • Health and WellnessPromotion
  • Health Human Resource Development
  • Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Rehabilitation
  • Ethnography of Filipino Traditional Medicine
  • Indigenous Peoples’ Health Empowerment and Development

Our Services

  • Health Systems Review
  • Health Policy Analysis
  • Health Planning and Programming
  • Local Government Unit Capacity-Building on Health and Development
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Health Research
  • Project Proposal Writing Workshops
  • Health Promotion and Wellness Workshops

Health Futures Foundations, Inc. Executive Team

Board of Trustees

  • Jaime Z. Galvez Tan, MD, MPH
  • Cora Añonuevo, PhD, MPH, RN
  • Kristine Reyes-Bacani, MD
    Vice President
  • Allan Chester Nadate, JD
    Corporate Secretary
  • Tomas P. Africa, MS Stat
  • Angelito V. Maraña, Llb
  • Gloria Estenzo-Ramos, Llb
  • Raymond Joseph Escalona, MD
  • Yolly Villanueva Ong

Key Staff Members

  • Pedrito B. Dela Cruz
    Pedrito B. Dela Cruz
    Acting Executive Director
  • Michelle Alyssa Ann A. Fortea
    Michelle Alyssa Ann A. Fortea
    Deputy Executive Director
  • Marivic L. Gaddi
    Marivic L. Gaddi
    Admin and Finance Officer
  • Christy Cea
    Christy Cea
    Admin and Finance Assistant
  • Patricia Schene Trinidad
    Patricia Schene Trinidad
    Projects Associate
  • Nathan Luis D. Ramos
    Nathan Luis D. Ramos
    Project Associate
  • Erich Stephen Lagura
    Erich Stephen Lagura
    Project Associate
  • Diana Kristine Tanglao
    Diana Kristine Tanglao
    Community Health Nurse
  • Dominique Madayag
    Dominique Madayag
    Community Health Nurse
  • Angeline Dela Cruz
    Angeline Dela Cruz
    Community Health Nurse
  • Emily Ilag
    Emily Ilag
    Community Health Nurse
  • Cliff Charles Paragas
    Cliff Charles Paragas
    Community Health Nurse
  • Lilibeth Bianes
    Lilibeth Bianes
    Project Admin and Finance Assistant
  • Geralyn Capitulo
    Geralyn Capitulo
    Community Health Nurse